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  • About us

    When the Thienemann-Esslinger Verlag appeared on the publishing stage in 2014, it was the result of the union of two of the oldest and best known producers of children's books in Germany – Thienemann and Esslinger. The two companies, with their long tradition of publishing, have now decided to join hands with a joint management team in order to face together the challenges of the market and pool their resources of famous authors, illustrators and children's and young adult classics under one roof.

    The focus of the six sectors within the publishing programs, ThienemannEsslinger, Planet!Gabriel, Aladin and Loomlight lies on books for children and teenagers and covers all ages between 0 and 18, from high-quality picture books to novels for young adults.

    The program


    The program includes ...


    • Classics such as The Robber Hotzenplotz and Krabat by Otfried Preußler, Jim Button, Momo and The Never-ending Story by Michael Ende and Urmel by Max Kruse and Latte the Hedgehog by Sebastian Lybeck
    • Modern heroes like Raven, the little Rascal by Nele Moost and Annet Rudolph, and Daniel Napp's adorably chaotic picture book hero Dr. Brumm and heart-warming Little Doormouse by Sabine Bohlmann and Kerstin Schoene.
    • Books by exciting new story-tellers like Oliver Scherz and Patrick Hertweck.
    • Narrative non-fiction about socially relevant topics by photo artist Jan von Holleben, ZEIT-journalist Christoph Drösser, bestselling authors Alois Prinz and Christian Nürnberger.
    • Books for girls by bestselling authors like like Nele Neuhaus, Julia Dippel, Emily Bold and Sabine Bohlmann
    • Reprints of classical children's books such as Rabbit School and The Root Children.

    The history


    The Thienemann-Esslinger Verlag GmbH is a daughter company of Bonnier Media Deutschland and was established early in 2014 after a merger of the Thienemann Verlag GmbH in Stuttgart with the Esslinger F.J. Schreiber GmbH, hitherto in Esslingen.


    Both Thienemann and Esslinger can look back on a long history:


    The J.F. Schreiber Verlag was founded by its eponym in 1831 and before long the company's focus was on the publications of high educational value like sheets of pictures, nature books and artistically created picture books.


    June 1, 1849, saw the foundation by Karl Ludwig Thienemann of his own publishing house, which initially published books he himself had written and illustrated, several of them hand-coloured.


    Both publishers were, from an early date, keen to sell publication rights abroad and aimed at coproductions – hence the Thienemann publication in 1869 of the Picture-Book of Elementary Ideas not only in the original German but also in English, French, Dutch, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese.

    Our imprints

    Is one of the first German children’s books publishers, founded in 1849 and our umbrella brand. We focus on children’s and young adult’s fiction from board books up to all age novels. Most German classic children’s book authors have been published at Thienemann: Michael Ende, Otfried Preußler, Max Kruse, Sebastian Lybeck, Ursula Wölfel, Boy Lornsen. Our best known new authors and illustrators are Daniel Napp, Daniela Kulot, Kerstin Schoene and Oliver Scherz.

    Merged with Thienemann Verlag in 2014. Esslinger focusses on four coloured children’s books (board books, picture books, novelty books, search-and-find books). Our main picture book character and modern classic is Raven, the rascal by Nele Moost and Annet Rudolph.

    Is an imprint of Thienemann Verlage publishing books for 8 up to 14 years. We focus on high quality commercial novels. Our main authors are Nele Neuhaus, bestselling horse books autor, Emily Bold and Julia Dippel (fantasy and romance), Sabine Bohlmann (children’s novels) and Lucy Astner (fantasy children’s series).

    Is an imprint of Thienemann Verlage and is specialized in mainly non-fiction with an ethical, philosophical or religious background for children and young adults from 2 up to 14 years. Our best knowns authors are Jan von Holleben, world-known photographer, famous for his experimental children’s books, Alois Prinz and Christian Nürnberger, bestselling writers of all age biographies.

    Is a small and very high quality imprint spezialized in picture books by well-known authors and illustrators like Katrin Stangl, Ole Könnecke, Cornelia Funke and translation of picture book by Benji Davies and Shaun Tan.

    Loomlight is the digital imprint of Thienemann Verlage. The digital imprint publishes romantic and fantasy novels for teenagers and young adults every month. Loomlight stands for emotional, sweeping fantasy, with a focus on romantic fantasy.